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HairdressersKaikuti makawe

All hairdressing and barber premises must comply with the Health (Hairdressing) Regulations 1980.

All premises operating as hairdressers and barbers must comply with the Health (Hairdressing) Regulations 1980 and must have a certificate of registration. An Environmental Health officer can help you with this. They can do preliminary inspections at any stage of the initial set up.

What are the basic requirements?

  • All wettable areas must be continuously smooth, impervious to water and readily cleanable.
  • Ventilation and lighting must be adequate. There must be hot and cold running water and separate sinks for hand washing, shampooing, utensil washing and any other needs.
  • You must organise management of premises cleaning, building maintenance, pest control and chemical storage.

 Registration is renewed each year from 1 August, or if the business changes hands.

When you are ready to open, contact the Environmental Health Office (EHO) for an inspection and apply for a certificate of registration. A fee will apply. You may not open until registration has been confirmed and the EHO has approved opening of the premises.

Minimum Standards for Hairdressing/Barber Premises

Under the Health (Hairdressers) Regulations 1980, Council's Environmental Health Officers are required to licence and inspect hairdressing premises and issue certificates of registration. This applies to hairdressers operating in both commercial businesses or from their own homes for profit or reward.

This is a summary of the regulations, which have been prepared to help you set up your hairdressing salon to meet the minimum standards. It should not be seen as a legal document or a substitute for consultation with the Environmental Health Officer.

Interpretation: 'Service area' means that portion of the hairdressing shop that is set aside for hairdressing.

Standards for the hairdressing/barber premises

No person shall use any premises as a hairdresser's shop unless they are registered by the local authority and hold of a current certificate of registration.

No person shall use any premises as a hairdresser's shop unless the following requirements are met.

  • The floor space shall be sufficient to permit easy access for cleaning.
  • Every room in which customers are served shall be of a floor area at least 2.3 m² for each customer who can be served to at the same time as any other customer.
  • Service chairs used for haircutting shall be at least 1.5 metres apart.
  • Where customers awaiting attention are admitted to the service area, an additional 0.9 m² of floor space shall be provided for their exclusive use.
  • Where separate waiting rooms or reception rooms are provided, every such room shall have a floor space of not less than 0.9 m² for every person for whom seating is available. In no case shall the floor area be less than 4.6 m².
  • The floor of that part of the service area where hair is cut or washed shall be covered with a smooth, impervious, durable material. Coving between the floor and walls is recommended.
Walls and ceilings
  • In any areas where walls are likely to be wetted or fouled, they are to be covered with a smooth impervious, durable material.
  • All other walls shall have a non-absorbent surface that is easily cleaned.
Shelves, benches and tables
  • Every shelf, bench or table on which tools of trade or instruments are to be placed shall be finished with a smooth, impervious and durable material. All other shelving and inside cupboards should be made smooth and easy to clean by applying a paint or polyurethane surface.
  • Lighting of not less than 300 lux shall be provided in all working areas where customers are attended to or where equipment is cleaned. In every part of the shop, the overall light intensity shall be not less than 100 lux, 800 mm above the floor.
  • All lighting shall be reasonably free from glare and distributed so as to avoid shadows.
  • Ventilation shall be sufficient to prevent condensation and excessive moisture on walls and ceilings, and to ensure the removal of objectionable odours and fumes.
  • If sufficient natural ventilation is not available, adequate mechanical ventilation is required.
  • Should a clothes drier be used on the premises, it must be vented to the outside air.
Basins, troughs and sinks
  • Separate washing facilities are required to allow staff to:
    • wash their hands.
    • cleanse customers' hair.
    • clean hairdressing equipment.
    • wash staff cups and utensils.
    • launder towels, etc. (if done on the premises).
Hand wash basins
  • At least one hand wash basin shall be installed in the service area for every ten chairs used for cutting hair and must be within 6 meters of each chair. This is in addition to the one adjacent to the toilet.
  • Hand wash basins must be provided with hot and cold running water, soap, a drying device and a nail brush.
Shampoo basins
  • In every hairdresser's shop where hair is cleansed, there must be sufficient shampoo basins or troughs supplied with hot and cold water that are used exclusively for shampooing and cleansing hair.
Hairdressing equipment
  • A sink supplied with hot and cold water shall be provided for the cleansing of all hairdressing equipment. These must not be installed in any room used by staff as a meal room.
  • All hairdressing equipment is required to be thoroughly cleaned after each client and sanitised at least daily.
Laundry tub
  • Should the laundering of towels, etc. take place on the premises, an additional separate room with a tub or washing receptacle for discharge of the washing machine water will be required. No laundering operation is to be carried out in the service area of any hairdressing shop.
  • Sufficient cupboards, shelving, etc. is required. No materials or equipment other than those used for hairdressing should be stored in the service area.
  • Clean dust-proof storage is to be provided for towels, etc.
  • When not in use, all appliances, tools and equipment shall be kept in containers or cabinets provided for the purpose.
  • Rubbish and cut hair are to be stored in washable containers with a cover or lid and disposed of at least daily.
Service of refreshments
  • Where tea, coffee or other beverages are served to customers, all utensils used in the service of such refreshments are to be effectively cleaned and rendered hygienic. The use of single service disposable utensils is highly recommended.

Central Hawke's Bay District Council - Copyright © 2024 Central Hawke's Bay District Council

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