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Host Responsibility

You have duties to fulfil as a responsible host of an on-licenced or club licensed premises where alcohol is for sale.

Providing Food to Customers

All premises operating with an on-licence or club licence are obliged to supply food to customers as a condition of being a responsible host.

Eating before or while drinking is a major factor in reducing levels of intoxication, so food must be readily and conveniently available whenever a licenced premises is open and selling alcohol.

The range and style of food must be similar to that shown on the menu submitted with a licence application.

Minimum standard of food

The Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA) has recently indicated that the following condition be placed on all licences:

"A range of food choices must be readily available at all times that the premises are open. Menus must be visible and food should be actively promoted. A minimum of three types of food should be available. The range or style of food will be as shown on any menu submitted. Alternatively, the range of food should include such items as paninis, pizzas, lasagne, toasted or fresh sandwiches, wedges, pies, filled rolls and/or salads."

You can provide a menu from a neighbouring food premises to supply one or two of these options; however, there must be a back-up option that can be produced on site.

A minimum standard of food produced on site could be from a microwave/fryer and utensils, and could be a variety of 'long life' meals that do not require temperature control (such as tins of soup) and rolls. There must be an area for preparing food and utensils for serving and eating food.

Advertise there is food available

Menus must be highly visible and food should be actively promoted in a variety of ways, such as displaying menus on tables or on a menu board, or having food on display. 

Food must be advertised in any outdoor areas and bar staff must actively promote the range of food options available.

Licence Renewals and Inspections

When an inspection is carried out the overall perception of the premise will be judged.

  • Is food available?
  • Is it attractive?
  • Is the food available promoted well?
  • Does the premises have free food available during alcohol promotions?
  • Are there special meal deals? 

The kitchen or preparation area will be inspected and the range of food in the refrigerator, freezer or dry store area will be checked.

The preparation area should be clean and food must be in date. The inspector will ask questions to satisfy themselves that stock rotation and replacement occurs to ensure that fresh food is always available.

A current food licence must be displayed.

Council environmental health staff will inform the District Licensing Agency when a food premises is closed down as this will affect the provision of food in the premises.

Inspectors will check menus when licenses are renewed. If the licence conditions are not being met, it is likely applications will be opposed.


Central Hawke's Bay District Council - Copyright © 2024 Central Hawke's Bay District Council

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