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Noise ControlMana Tiaki Turituri

We all like to have a good time, but we need to think of our neighbours to ensure that our good times do not to encroach on theirs. Here are some tips to manage any issues and how to contact us if you have a problem.

Noise Complaints

We respond to complaints about unreasonable or excessive noise in the community and take action when the noise unreasonably interferes with your peace, comfort and convenience.

At any time that you are disturbed by excessive or unreasonable noise, call our Environmental Health Team on 06 857 8060. A noise control officer will assess the noise coming from the property concerned and request the noise level is reduced if it is deemed to be excessive or unreasonable.

This does not include noise from vehicles, unless they are on private property.

Your Responsibilities

Under the Resource Management Act 1991, you must keep noise from your property to a "reasonable" level. Although there is no clear definition of what is reasonable, generally noise should not disturb your neighbours or be clearly audible beyond your property boundary.

Having problems with noise?

If you have a noisy neighbour, try talking to them first. If the problem persists, phone our 24-hour Noise Control Service on 06 857 8060 and an officer will respond to excessive noise (such as music) at the time of the complaint.

Planning a party?

If you are planning a party, consider your neighbours and the community and take a few simple steps:

  • Inform your neighbours about the event in advance.
  • Ask them to phone you if the noise is too loud.
  • Consider the time of your event - neighbours will be more tolerant during reasonable hours.
  • Keep windows and doors closed to contain the noise, and keep guests inside.
  • Reduce the bass level of the music. 

Band practice

For regular band practices, choose a location where the noise will not disturb others, such as an industrial area.

Fees and charges for noise complaints, 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Noise ComplaintsFee (incl GST)
Note: Pursuant to Section 36(1) and 36(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991, Council may require the person who is liable to pay one or more of the below charges, to also pay an additional charge to recover actual and reasonable costs in respect of the matter concerned.
Seizure charge for noise emission equipment $242.00 
Abatement Notice Fee $71.50 

Noise in your Neighbourhood

Everybody should expect some degree of noise in their neighbourhood from time to time. We do not regulate everyday activities such as mowing lawns, building construction, road repairs, etc. While such noise may be a nuisance to you temporarily, provided the hours of operation are reasonable, we may not respond to such complaints.

Unreasonable noise

There are certain noisy activities in our community that we cannot reduce or abate immediately. This is generally industrial or commercial noise. A full noise assessment and measurements may be carried out to determine if the noise level is in breach of any District Plan rules. If the noise is found to be unreasonable, we may serve an abatement notice requiring the noise to be reduced within a set period of time.

Excessive noise

Excessive noise is under human control and defined being of "such a nature as to unreasonably interfere with the peace, comfort and convenience" of any person. Loud party and stereo noise and noise from licensed premises are the most common source of complaints. Assessment of the noise is subjective, and noise measurements do not need to be taken. If noise is excessive, the Noise Control Officer will issue a noise abatement notice requiring that the noise be reduced to a reasonable level. This remains in force for 72 hours. If the noise is not reduced, the Noise Control Officer, with Police assistance, may enter the premises and seize and impound the equipment or take away any working parts or lock or seal it to make it inoperable. Where deemed necessary, the equipment can be disposed of.

Noise not covered by the Resource Management Act 1991

There are some situations where we cannot help with noise control as the type of noise is specifically covered or controlled by other legislation. This commonly includes instances where:


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