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We appointed a Hearings Panel to hear submissions on the Proposed District Plan.
We held seven hearing streams in total, as outlined in the Hearings Procedures. You can view the hearings schedule below.
14-15 March 2022 |
Natural and Coastal Environment: Ecosystems & Indigenous Biodiversity, Natural Features & Landscapes/NFL-SCHED6, Open Space & Recreation, Public Access, Activities on the Surface of Water, Coastal Environment/CE-SCHED7, and Large Lot Residential. List of submitters and submission points to be heard in Hearing Stream 1 |
30 March-1 April 2022 |
Urban Environment, Sustainability and General District Wide Matters: Urban Form & Development, General Residential Zone, Commercial Zone, General Industrial Zone, Settlement Zone, Subdivision - Urban, Sustainable Subdivision & Building, Light, Noise, Signs, Temporary Activities. List of submitters and provisions commented on to be heard in Hearing Stream 2 |
Rural Environment: Rural Land Resource, General Rural Zone, Rural Production Zone, Rural Lifestyle Zone and Subdivision - Rural. List of submitters and provisions commented on to be heard in Hearing Stream 3 |
10-12 August 2022 14 November 2022 |
Tangata Whenua and Historic Heritage:Tangata Whenua/Mana Whenua, Ngā Tangata Whenua O Tamatea, Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori, Papakāinga and Kaumātua Housing and associated Marae-based Development, Historic Heritage, Notable Trees. |
7-8 September 2022 |
Hazards & Risks, Earthworks, and Subdivision: Contaminated Land, Hazardous Substances, Natural Hazards, Earthworks, Mining & Quarrying, and General Subdivision. List of submitters and provisions commented on to be heard in Hearing Stream 5 |
15 and 17 November 2022 |
Mapping and Miscellaneous: Rezoning Requests, General Mapping, ECO-SCHED5 and Mapping of Significant Natural Areas, Part 1 Introduction and General Provisions, Miscellaneous and Other Matters. List of submitters and provisions commented on to be heard in Hearing Stream 6 |
14-16 December 2022 |
Energy, Infrastructure and Transport: Network Utilities, Noise (Network Utilities), Signs (Network Utilities), Renewable Energy, Transport and Designations. |
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