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Waipawa Wastewater ImprovementsTe whakahoutanga o te ara kawe para matua i Waipawa

This project website will provide updates on the progress of the wastewater treatment plant upgrades as we progress towards a new solution.

You can click on the drop down links below for relevant updates by section.

Learn more about the proposed future of Waipawa, Otane and Waipukurau's Wastewater.

As part of our commitment to improving performance of our plants we are undertaking a raft of improvements at our wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs).

Update - 6 October 2021

Pourerere Road Water Main - Pipe welding has commenced at the Waipawa WWTP in preparation for the install of the water main. Pipe installation is programmed to start next week.

Update - 18 May 2021

This past week Geotechnical Investigation work was undertaken at the Waipawa WWTP as part of the proposed upgrade for the Treatment Plant, and the Bridge crossing currently serving the site. Council’s WWTP Upgrade Consultant BECA were present on site with the Geotechnical Drilling Company carrying out Boreholes 11m in depth. The information gathered from this piece of work will allow designers to confirm foundation requirements for the proposed upgrade. This week Test Pits which are 4 to 5m in depth will also be carried out at the Waipawa site. 

Update - 05 May 2021

At the Waipukurau and Waipawa Wastewater Ponds, sludge surveys have also been completed in May, June and December 2020. The Waipawa pond is 36% full of sludge, with approx. 64% free capacity remaining in the pond for treatment, depending on the pond water level at any one time, and the Waipukurau pond is 41% full of sludge, with approx. 59% free capacity remaining in the pond for treatment. A project to de-sludge both these plants is due to begin in the next few weeks.  

Update - 06 December 2019

The front end improvements have had designs approved, and contractors are scheduled to undertake the physical improvements in early 2020.

Front End Improvements Design dwg

Update - 01 September 2019

We have split this work into two groups, front end and back end improvements.

The front end improvements are expected to comprise the following improvements;

  • Solve the screen blockage and subsequent overflow of septage to the Waipawa river;
  • Improve the septage reception pit;
  • Flow monitoring of all plant influent 

  • Improvement to screen automation.

We are still working on quantifying and preparing a back end improvement programme.

Update - 01 May 2020

Stage 1 of the project is now complete - we have a created a summary overview of the project.

Stage 2 is to upgrade the pump station with new to upsized pumps to convey wastewater during high rain events to the wastewater ponds for treatment, we require an increase in power supply to safely do so. We are working with Centralines to complete this and anticipate to have this completed by July/ August 2020.

Update - 28 February 2020

The project is 90% complete, subject to an upgraded power supply to the pump station on McGreevy Street, once this is complete the second pump can be commissioned. We are working with landowners and Centralines around the best solution for the power supply.

Update - 29 January 2020

Lining is complete, and the contractors have renewed the full 2.2km of this key trunk pipeline into the wastewater plant.

Update - 16 December 2019

Section 4 of 5 was completed last week between Guy and McGreevy Street, we have now renewed 1700m of the 2200m of pipeline, due to some poor weather forecasted for this week, we have decided to postpone the final section until we return in January 2020, the team will focus on tidying manholes this week and the final work at the pump station. Ready to finish this project off early next year.

Below is a photo of one of the 6 manholes along the trunk sewer main that has been refurbished by concrete spray coating.

WW Trunk Sewer Before After Manholes

Update - 04 December 2019

Lining work is due to commence again on Monday 9th December as we undertake section 4 of 5.

The setup will be on Guy street, and the Pipeworks team will be installing liner from Guy Street towards McGreevy Street. Works are expected to run predominantly on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th as the team install the liner and cure it in place. 

Expect some minor disruption to the properties directly where the work is taking place as the boilers run, there will be noise and smell emitted as the liner resin is impregnated and cures.

The following week the team will be completing the final section from Rathbone through to the Wastewater plant. This work will take mostly off the road via manholes in paddocks downstream of Rathbone Street.

Thanks for your patience Waipawa, as we renew this key pipeline!

Shot Guy St to MCgreevy St

Update - 25 November 2019

We are over half way with the lining work, and three sections have been completed, with a total of 1300mtrs of liner now installed.

We will take a two week break as we wait for more resin to arrive from overseas, and expect to start the final two sections, week starting the 9th December 2019.

This week we will continue with other items, and will start work on the rehabilitation of six of the manholes on the 2.2km section ensuring they are water tight and structurally sound.

Waipawa Trunk Sewer Lining Setup from Guy to Shanly

Update - 18 November 2019

Lining is well underway, last week saw over 800mtrs of liner installed – just over a third of the full 2200mtrs planned, this week we continue to line between Guy and Shanly street in Waipawa.

Communication continues with properties and residents affected, and we are on track to have this all but wrapped up by the Xmas break! With a small piece of work at the pump station to be completed in Jan/ Feb 2020.

IMG 2193

Update - 11 November 2019

This week we start the renewal of the trunk sewer main that was installed in 1910. 

Over the last few weeks we have been cleaning the main and getting good CCTV footage of the internal walls, along with confirming all laterals and connections, we have also relocated a manhole and installed a new manhole.

We are now ready to line the main with a new pipeline, a resin saturated fabric liner is installed into the main, unfolded, and then cured in place. Once started, the work has to continue to ensure the line cures, each shot is expected to take two x 24 hour days.

We expect all lining works to be complete by early December 2019, and the remaining works to be complete by the Christmas break approx. 20 December 2019. There will be some noise associated with machinery, and some smell associated with the curing of the liner.

Update - 01 November 2019

During the cleaning process, we have come across a significant blockage in the pipeline, that is also complicated by a long stretch of pipeline between manholes, approx. 320mtrs. 

To assist with removing the blockage, and assisting with maintenance moving forward - we have installed an additional manhole.

IMG 2189

Update - 29 October 2019

Works is progressing well, as we prepare for lining, we are busy relocating a manhole that had structural issues.

IMG 0116

Update - 14 October 2019

The project officially commences today, and signs are going up on the corner of some of the routes to advise the local residents and road users what the work is and why the vehicles may be on the roads.

IMG 0082


Update - 04 October 2019

Council recently held a community evening on the project, which was well received, and through and informative questions were asked by the group.

Presentations were given by Council, The Property Group (landowner relations), and Pipeworks/ Higgins (contractors undertaking the work).

We now continue to plan for works to start on 14 October 2019.

Update - 23 September 2019

flyer on the community information session on Tuesday 1 October 2019 is being delivered to residents this week.

Update - 18 September 2019

Council has made good progress with the affected stakeholders and expects to commence work early October 2019. 

Prior to works commencing, Council, our contractor - Pipeworks, and The Property Group, who have lead the stakeholder engagement will be holding an open evening community session to provide a presentation and Q&A session on the project. 

This is planned for Tues 1st October 2019 from 7pm-9pm in Council Chambers.

Specific communications will be released on this next week.

Update - 30th August 2019

A further letter drop was released to landowners and affected parties this week. 

The Waipawa Trunk Sewer Main Renewal project consists of the sewer line rehabilitation for 2.2 km of earthenware sewer east of the Waipawa town centre. The sewer main is largely located within private property with multiple defective joints that allow groundwater infiltration and root ingress. PipeWorks proposes to rehabilitate the existing 375 mm diameter pipe using cured in place pipe (CIPP) inducted by hot water. 

Council and its contractor PipeWorks will aim to minimise any disturbance to you caused by this work however, it is important that you are aware of the type of activities that will occur during the works. These are outlined as follows.

1. Noise: During the relining works, PipeWorks need to run various items of construction plants. Including air compressors, generators, boiler and other items powered by diesel engines.

2. Traffic: Some construction vehicles will be required to park on the side of the road, however PipeWorks expect this to cause minimal disturbance to residence and road users. Some vehicles or workers may require access to your property in order to access existing manholes within the pipeline. Where this is the case, you will be contacted firstly and well in advance.

 3. Smell: The liner is impregnated with polyester resin. There will be some smell present during installation period. PipeWorks expect this not to be noticeable beyond 10 meters. For properties close to the relining works, as they progress along the pipeline alignment, sensible actions that can mitigate any smell are those such as closing the windows to your house.

Update - 25 July 2019

Planning is ongoing on this project, council is currently working with landowners to gain access to the pump station for the upgrades planned, and secure easements for power and sewer lines.

In addition, Council is working with Centralines to deliver a transformer relocation and power upgrade to the McGreevy Street pump station.

Update - 21 June 2019

This week marked an important milestone for this project where the contract was officially signed and awarded to Pipeworks Ltd, to be supported by Higgins.

This project is to renew 2200m of the 375mm gravity sewer main that runs from the McGreevy Street pump station all the way through the back of properties to the Waipawa Wastewater treatment pond (WWTP), this is a key project as part of the wider Waipawa WWTP improvements as well as improving infiltration and inflow into the network, whilst providing a better level of service.

A pump station upgrade at McGreevy Street will also form a part of this project – work is expected to commence in Sep 2019 and be complete by Dec 2019, over the next few months, Council will concentrate on ensuring all landowners are across the works proposed prior to commencement.

Website Project Overview with Properties 21 June 2019

Update - 05 April 2019

The project is currently in the open market under tender, council is also currently working with affected landowners to prepare for the access required and the pump station upgrade.

We expect to have awarded a contractor by June 2019 and aim to complete all works by December 2019. 

Drawing 2Drawing 1

Update - 27 March 2019

The linked letter was dropped to landowners that may be affected by the works this week.

Please contact council should you have any questions or concerns.

Update - February 2019

Following approval of the option in December 2018, GHD Ltd proceeded to develop a concept design to;

 Mitigate root intrusion & other factors that impact operational performance
 Reduce infiltration
 Maintain Dry Weather Flow capacity
 Improve Peak Wet Weather Flow capacity to provide conveyance for 1-in-2 year Storm (current), at 187 l/s.

Update - 20 December 2018

An option assessment was undertaken by GHD and CHBDC to better understand the upgrade options we had available for this pipeline.

From this option assessment, a workshop was held with Council and a preferred option identified.

OptionsPref Options

Update - 6 November 2018

Following a tender and evaluation process, Council has awarded the design component of this project to GHD, and will start the design and risk review component this month.

This will involve reviewing CCTV, scoping and confirming the best renewal technique for this project. This will be reliant on the structure of the pipe. Due to the location of the pipe, a fair amount of stakeholder communication will take place prior to any works starting.

Council plans to start physical works following a tender phase in May 2019 allowing for a 5 month construction window and aiming to complete works by November 2019.

Further updates will be provided as this project progresses.

Update - 29th August 2018

This project involves the cleaning and relining of the 375mm trunk sewer main that runs from McGreevy Street to Guy Street, and then again from Shanly Street to Johnson Street in Waipawa. This work will proactively prevent further tree root intrusion, and addresses the infiltration of ground water into the waste water system.

Project OverviewCatchment Flows

The Waipawa Trunk Sewer Main Renewal project consists of the sewer line rehabilitation for 2.2 km of earthenware sewer east of the Waipawa town centre. The sewer main is largely located within private property with multiple defective joints that allow groundwater infiltration and root ingress. PipeWorks proposes to rehabilitate the existing 375 mm diameter pipe using cured in place pipe (CIPP) inducted by hot water. PipeWorks believe that the replacement of the 375mm concrete capped sections of pipe can be reinstated using our normal CIPP process. 

Dissolved Air Flotation System (DAF) Installation
Waipawa & Waipukurau Sludge and Dry Solids Removal

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