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Flaxmill & Wanstead Roading Upgrade

This bridge was prone to flooding! In 2004 and 2018, Central Hawke’s Bay experienced two notable weather events that cut electricity supply and compromised community safety in the area. In 2018, the rainfall was so heavy, the roads either side of the bridge were closed more than twenty times. We were focussed on futureproofing this key thoroughfare in our district - improving its resilience and ensuring the area could stand up to future weather events.

We tackled the project in two parts: lifting the road out of the flood zone and improving the Taurekaitai stream.

Works commenced in March 2021 and was blessed by Mana whenua.

Flaxmill and Wanstead Roading upgrade

Stage One – Road lifting (North of Flaxmill Bridge)

The road has been raised by 600mm, lifting it out of the flood zone.

Guardrail and seal were upgraded around Flaxmill Bridge.

Stage Two & Three – Road lifting (North and South of Hiranui Road)

The road has been raised by 800mm in two locations, lifting it out of the flood zone.

Stage 5 – Silt removal from Taurekaitai Stream

After gaining consent from Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, we began work to remove silt and widen the Taurekaitai stream. We removed approximately 2km of silt below Flaxmill Bridge, and up and down stream. This work was important as it creates greater capacity for water to flow through the area and reduces the overflows to the stop bank upstream of Flaxmill Bridge.

Later in 2022, we will work with the local catchment group, landowners, and our community to target further improvements for the waterway, especially in the Wanstead Swamp (wetland). 

Key Stats

Over 50,000 work hours invested in the project since April 2021

An average of 26 people per month working on the project

40,000m3 of silt removed and applied to land

Approximately 2km of road lifted by 600-800m

636 mass concrete blocks installed

Over 20,000m3 of dirt moved


September 2022

We're nearing the end of the road for the work on the Flaxmill/Wanstead project, as part of our funding through Kānoa - Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit.

This was a stretch of road that frequently flooded -  in 2018 it was closed for 20 days, cutting off our communities and compromising safety. This route needed major upgrades to improve resilience and reliability and we're almost at the finish line!

June 2022

Works to raise the road by 800mm is ongoing at Stage 2 & 3 with a completion date set for June 2022.

Stage 2 - Works are now largely complete, with the sealing completed in May 2022 and final line marking and guardrail works underway in June 2022. 

Stage 3 - Works are now largely complete, with the sealing completed in May 2022 and final line marking and guardrail works underway in June 2022

Stage 4 - following further design and hydrualic modelling information - once the silt removal and stream widening is completed as planned for Stage 5 - the works previously planned in Stage 4 will not be required.

Stage 5 involves the waterway improvements and providing greater capacity in the Tāurekaitai stream under Flaxmill Bridge. Our consent to remove silt from the stream has been granted and the team are working to open up the waterway below the bridge.

February 2022

Works have continued on Stage 2 and 3 where the road will be lifted by 800mm.

Stage 2 - Works returned after the Christmas break and will continue through to April 2022. Works had previously slowed down while the testing and results on settlement of the widened shoulder took place.

Stage 3 - A significant portion of sealing took place in late December and works will continue through to March/April 2022.

Stage 4 - following further design and hydrualic modelling information - once the silt removal and stream widening is completed as planned for Stage 5 - the works previously planned in Stage 4 will not be required.

Stage 5 involves the waterway improvements and providing greater capacity in the Tāurekaitai stream under Flaxmill Bridge. A resource consent has been lodged for the waterway and silt removal works which is being assessed by HBRC.

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November 2021

Since our last update, the region experienced some heavy down pours of rain in September 2021 which Stage 1 of the Flaxmill/Wanstead Roading Upgrade held up to well. Work is planned to be undertaken underneath Flaxmill Bridge in December 2021 as part of Stage 5.

Stage 2 work commenced on Stage 2 in July - clearing works are underway, as well as installation of new culverts, mass blocks and drainage prior to milling and preparing to lift the section of road.

Stage 3 is happening now with site clearing underway. This is the most southern section leading up to Wanstead Bridge and sees the road lifted by 800mm.

Stage 4 involves upgrading culverts at Ugly Hill – this is to be confirmed, but would be planned for later in 2021 once the fish spawning and trout restrictions are lifted.

Stage 5 involves the waterway improvements and providing greater capacity in the Tāurekaitai stream under Flaxmill Bridge. A resource consent has been lodged for the waterway and silt removal works.

Flaxmill wanstead pic

 September 2021

Work continues with Russell Roads who are upgrading Porangahau Road between Flaxmill and Wanstead Bridges, Stage 2 and 3 sees the lift of the road by approx. 800mm.

Flaxmill Stage 2

 August 2021

Work is underway on Stage 2 of the Flaxmill, where clearing works are underway, as well as installation of new culverts and drainage prior to milling and preparing to lift the section of road, Stage 2 and 3 see the road lifted by approx. 800mm to improve resilience and flooding risk.

Flaxmill Stage 2 Prep

 June 2021

Separable Portion 1 is now complete. This is the first of five sections in this project - keep an eye on our updates to follow the next sections in this programme of work. 

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May 2021

Works are progressing well with the road lift as part of Stage 1 just north of Flaxmill Bridge, the road has been milled back preparing to have the additional fill added in to lift the road in stages – progressing as planned and on track  be  the end of May.

C1097 Flaxmill Progress 30.04.21


April 2021

The Flaxmill and Wanstead Road Upgrade project is also progressing well, with most of the clearing work done and the installation of a subsoil drain underway. This week the team at Russell Roads will be continuing to work on shoulder widening and the installation of a subsoil drain.


March 2021

On March 29th, we held the blessing to commence the Flaxmill Roading Upgrade around Flaxmill bridge and north to Wanstead bridge. Our contractor Russell Roads is establishing onsite this week to lift the road as the first of five separable portions. The blessing was led by local hapu Ngati Kere, and was well attended by local landowners, CHBDC councillors, staff, our design team Stantec, our contractor Russell Roads and our funder the Provincial Development Unit. A pretty exciting moment in the programme to get our flagship project underway!


September 2020

Hydraulic modelling identifies that Porangahau Rd has a <2year LOS, with the lowest levels being along a 1300m length adjacent to Wanstead Swamp wetland.

An engineering options assessment indicates that a 10 year LOS is achievable within the funding and timeframe constraints of the PGF, and a further lift to a 75 year LOS is considered feasible if a longer timeframe is available and funding outside the PGF is obtained.

Therefore, the preferred option strategy is:

  • Online road raising: raise the road embankment level between Wanstead Bridge and Flaxmill Bridge to a 10 year LOS, with associated improvements to Flaxmill Bridge and Ugly Hill Corner culverts, using PGF funding and taking advantage of a scope of work that is online within the road reserve and likely to have a straightforward consenting process. The cost estimate for the works is $8.2M.
  • Future online and offline works: begin planning (including consultation) for associated future online and offline works that would further raise the LOS to 75 years capacity for an additional budget cost of $3.3M. This offline work is mainly stream and channel widening through private land and provides improvement works to offset future projected climate change impacts.

You can read our report on the Flaxmill Inundation project here.

flaxmill bridge



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