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Bridge & Culvert Strengthening

Following the HPMV Evaluation in accordance with the NZTA Bridge Manual of twenty (20) bridge and culvert structures on Porangahau & Wimbledon road as part of the Porangahau and Wimbledon Roads PGF Project, a total of eight (8) structures have been identified as not being capable or carrying full HPMV vehicle loading.

The Porangahau and Wimbledon Road Upgrade will include projects to strengthen these structures to provide future generations with safe and durable roading infrastructure along what is a key thoroughfare in our district.


After detailed design in late 2021, works to strengthen the bridge started in early 2022. The team poured concrete and reinforced the structure to handle heavy vehicles. 

The bridge was fully reopened in June 2022.  

Picture1 60 pound


  • 21m3 of concrete poured 
  • 645m of reinforcement used 
  • An average of 14 people per month working on the bridges 

Update | June 2022

Work to strengthen this bridge is well underway and we expect the upgrades to be completed this month.

Sixty Pound Bridge


Update | February 2022

Detailed design is complete and work is expected to start in late February 2022.

Sixty Pound Bridge

Status Reports:

  • September 2021:Design Complete and timing TBC

You can view a map of the progress here


A team made up entirely of local people employed by our contractor, Concrete Structures Ltd, worked to strengthen Wallingford Bridge from early 2021. Almost 4000 holes were drilled to install bolts that connected a new deck to the existing bridge. New concrete was poured, and the team finished off with chip sealing, new guardrails, resealing, and road marking. 


  • 568 holes drilled 
  • 568 bolts installed 
  • 67m3 of concrete poured 
  • 3366m of reinforcement used 
  • An average of 14 people per month working on the bridges 

Update | February 2022 

The strengthening works on Wallingford bridge has now been completed, with some minor remedial works to be undertaken on the seal.


Wallingford Bridge

Update | October 2021

The strengthening works on Wallingford bridge is now 95% complete, with only surfacing and line marking to be completed once the weather settles, planned for first week in November 2021.


Status Reports:

You can view a map of the progress of this project here

  • February 2021: Concrete Structures are now onsite to complete strengthening work at Wallingford Bridge. Traffic management has been set up, the bridge deck surface milling is complete and the team are just finishing scaffold installation. This week Concrete Structures will finish scanning and marking all the drilling locations and existing reinforcement, ready for the drilling.
  • March 2021: Our bridge upgrade programme is in full swing and the team are 50% of the way through the drilling of nearly 4000 holes to install bolts that will connect the new deck of the bridge to the existing deck structure. We were able to recently take the MBIE provincial development unit out for a site visit!

This first bridge upgrade is currently employed by an all CHB local team and has one new employee through the Mayors Taskforce For Jobs, with another looking to start this week. We expect to start works on the next bridge ‘Kokomoko’ in the next month.

  • April 2021: Strengthening work on Wallingford Bridge is progressing well by the Concrete Structures team. The new concrete has now been poured on the Waipukurau bound lane and deck steel has been installed.
  • May 2021: Update 1- 3 May, 2021:The north bound lane has been completed, and the south bound lane is about to be poured, the project is on track to be completed by late May 2021, the team will then move onto Kokomoko Bridge.
  • Update 2 - 25 May, 2021:Strengthening work is nearing completion at Wallingford Bridge, with the deck reinforcement now complete. The team is now completing finishing touches on site, including chip sealing, constructing the approaches to the deck and installing the guardrail. Resealing and line marking will happen when the weather is more stable.

Wallingford Bridge 2

Wallingford Bridge 3 


Work commenced in late 2021 to strengthen the existing bridge, but due to findings related to the condition of the bridge, we were unable to go ahead with these plans.

While the team worked to design a new bridge, traffic was diverted to a safe, temporary bridge alongside the existing structure.

The new bridge was completed over six months and fully opened to traffic during the opening ceremony and blessing in May 2022.


  • 218m3 of granular fill used
  • 260m of guardrail installed
  • Four 600mm diameter piles were augured to a depth ranging between 8m to 20m
  • An average of 14 people per month working on the bridges

Kokomoko Bridge Hero ImageKokomoko Bridge 3

 Update | June 2022

The heavy rain in March 2022 impacted our progress on Kokomoko Bridge. Although the team have been delayed, they continue to make great progress strengthening this bridge. In early May, 9 beams were delivered to site that will support the new bridge. They are currently being lowered into place and secured!

Check out our progress in the below photos.



Update | February 2022

Last week the temporary bridge was completed at Kokomoko, and last Thursday saw traffic diverted to the temporary bridge. Work will now commence on the demolition of the existing bridge, in preparation for a new bridge by May 2022.

We want to thank you for your patience during this project and would like to remind drivers to follow the temporary speed limits.

IMG 8556

IMG 8555

Update | January 2022

While we have made good progress on our works across Pōrangahau and Wimbledon Road, and seeeing a number of safety improvements through retaining walls being built, resilience added to both roads, and bridges replaced or strengthened, works are about to commence at Kokomoko Bridge on Pōrangahau Road from 31 January 2022.

Work commenced in late 2021 to try strengthen the existing bridge, and due to findings on site related to the condition of the structure, we were unable to strengthen the bridge, and are now planning a replacement.

This will see next week works start on installing a temporary one lane bridge next to the existing bridge, and then in mid February 2022, traffic will be diverted to the one lane temporary bridge while the existing bridge is deconstructed, and a new precast bridge constructed where the current bridge is.

The works at Kokomoko are planned to continue through from next week through to June/ July 2022. 

We would like to assure you that the temporary bridge can handle heavy vehicle loading, but we ask that all road users comply with the speed restrictions and traffic lights controlling the bridge.

This is an important part of our externally funded PGF works - where we are improving safety and resilience of the roads to handle current and future traffic including the increase in heavy vehicles, once the programme of work across the route is completed – the route will see all bridges rated as able to take heavy or HPMV vehicles.

Check out our Kokomoko Fact Sheet for more information including FAQ's.

Kokomoko Bridge 1Status Reports:

You can view a map of the project's progress here

September 2021: Following the completion of an assessment of the bridge it was determined that to make the Porangahau Road/Wimbledon Road route HPMV capable Bridge 174 Kokomoko would require strengthening.The proposed works are to strengthen the abutments by installing concrete columns directly to the front face to enable the abutments and beams to work together. A Traffic Management Plan will be developed to implement the restriction of the bridge to a single 3.7m wide central lane with a 10km/h speed restriction in order to keep the road open and safe for use.
The traffic management and width restriction on the bridge will be kept in place until strengthening works of the bridge have been completed.

Kokomoko Bridge 2


Work on strengthening Saleyards Bridge started in early 2022, with most of the work being done under the bridge. The upgrades were to ensure the structure could handle heavy vehicles by strengthening the bridge cantilever and beams with carbon fibre.

The final additions included a new guardrail and abutment upgrades, and the bridge was fully reopened in June 2022.


  • 248 brackets installed
  • Approximately 2000 holes were drill ed to enable the installation of the brackets
  • 39m2 of carbon fibre used
  • An average of 14 people per month working on the bridges

Update | June 2022

Work on this bridge is now complete! The upgrades mean the bridge can now handle heavy trucks (over 62 tonnes). A new guardrail and abutment upgrades connecting the bridges are planned for the coming months.

Update | February 2022

Work has commenced on strengthening Saleyards bridge with most of the work being done under the bridge. The upgrades are to allow the bridge to handle HPMV, heavy motor vehicle capacity (over 62 tonnes) by strengthening the bridge cantilever and beams with carbon fibre. A new guardrail and abutment upgrades connecting the bridges are planned for the coming months.



Saleyards Bridge 1

Status Reports:

You can view a map of the project's progress here

September 2021: Design complete


McKenzies CulvertStatus Reports:

You can view a map of the project's progress here

September 2021: Scoping of project complete

Bridges: Construction to Completion

Kokomoko Bridge - In Progress
Salesyard Bridge - Strengthening
Sixty Pound Bridge - Strengthening
Wallingford Bridge
Wallingford Bridge




Mckenzies Culvert 364

  • Status: Complete

PWPGF018North Watermark Culvert 352

  • Status: Complete

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