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Caravan Wastewater Dump Stations

A project of work to supply motorhome and campervan visitors to Central Hawke's Bay with convenient, safe environmental friendly effluent waste disposal sites.

Waipukurau Motor Caravan Dump Station

Council has now completed a project to install new wastewater dump station in Central Hawke's Bay. Watch the construction and see the finished site in the video below.



The aim of this project was to install a motor caravan dump station within the Central Hawkes Bay area to service those travelling to/through the district and to provide a service that enhances Central Hawke's Bay’s reputation as a fantastic tourist destination.  

This project provides a meaningful impact to a significant amount of both travellers and residents through enhanced service availability and opportunities for economic growth.

This project is possible thanks to funding from the 3 Waters Reform Programme and the New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Inc.






A preferred location has been identified, being River Terrace in Waipukurau.

The site will be developed with a chip-sealed pavement to form a turning circle suitable for large motorhomes. This will include a concrete dump station receptacle with a wastewater sump, non-potable water supply for cleaning and a potable water supply for refilling of on-board water storage. A central garden area will be formed and planted.



What does a Caravan Wastewater Dump Station look like?

The photo below is an example of a Caravan Wastewater site in Napier:

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What does a Dump Station do?

A dump station is a small facility designed to protect public health and the environment by ensuring the proper disposal of wastewater from recreational vehicles e.g. motorhomes, campervans, and boats.

How does it work?

The dump station consists of a hardstanding area and a precast receptacle, wastewater is “dumped” into this precast unit and discharged through a “P Trap” directly into the wastewater network. A Non-potable water supply is normally supplied for cleaning and a potable water supply for refilling of on-board storage.

How does this benefit the community?

The attraction of travellers to stay in local communities, and the subsequent opportunity to promote spending with local businesses infuses money into  local communities, sending ripples of economic support throughout the business’ entire local supply chain.

On June 1, 2021 Council held an opening for the new Caravan Dump station in Waipukurau. This was attended by council staff, councillors, contractors and Local NZ Motor Caravan association committee members. There were many positive comments on the day with local NZMCA members very happy to have a facility locally and well designed. The NZ Motor Caravan Association said, “This is such an awesome dump station and we would like to use this as an example for all future public dump stations.”

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The Waipukurau site is now sealed.

Before officially opening to the public, a garden will be planted and some signage will be installed. 

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The team are currently finishing the hardstand chip sealed accessway, with just the finishing touches including the gardens and signage to complete in the next couple of weeks.
Once finished, Waipukurau (and Central Hawke's Bay) will be classified as “Motorhome Friendly” in tourist guides, encouraging visitors and unlocking opportunities for economic growth.
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The new Motor Caravan Dump Station for Waipukurau is taking shape with the final work on the hardstand nearing completion for progressing to chip sealing later this week. Once this has been completed Council will look to plant the front garden and tidy the site in readiness for it's opening later in the month.

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The Waipukurau caravan dump station is starting to take shape. Last week Downers poured the centre dump station receptacle and the adjacent concrete pad. This week will see the chip sealed areas being completed as well as the start of some of the finishing touches including having Council's Recreational Services team designing the front garden layout. Expect to see this facility opening in the coming weeks, enabling Waipukurau (and CHB) to be classified as “Motorhome Friendly” in national tourist guides and encouraging travellers to come to CHB.

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Last week Downers commenced construction on the new Caravan Wastewater Dump Station in Waipukurau.

Most of this work has been around the installation of a new sewer lateral and the removal of topsoil in preparation for the new accessway. This week will involve more forming of the circular accessway, preparation for a new water feed from the Marlborough/Northumberland St intersection and the installation of the Precast dump station unit.


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