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Waipukurau Water SH2 Bore Upgrade

This project focuses on the bores at the SH2 water borefield that supplies Pukeora reservoir and Waipukurau.

This includes improving and refurbishing 3 bores, installing pipework, electrical work, fencing and a tank for extra water. These upgrades mean closer compliance with Drinking Water Standard New Zealand (DWSNZ).


Update | January 2022

Last week saw a successful rechecking of the 3 new Bore Pumps that we plan to bring online over the coming couple of months. This week, the Operations Team will continue flushing of the new bores in readiness for changing over to the new bores in early February.

During February, there is work to be carried out by Max Tarr’s team to change the location and power source for the Existing Bore A and Genset plus some auxiliary items from the original upgrade project.

Update |15 November 2021

All power and control cabling have been installed to the Run to Waste off takes. Thrust blocks are installed allowing back filling of trenches to be completed this week. The contractors;  Max Tarr will complete the physical works this week with the control system with the next job being the testing/commissioning of the system prior to the Christmas break.


SH2 Borefield

Update | 18 October 2021

Max Tarr Ltd are on site to construct the Run to Waste discharge system for the Waipukurau Borefield. This system will allow turbid water to be discharged back into the river. This week will see the section of pipe under the stop bank be installed by directional drilling, rather than open cut excavation through the stop bank.

SH2 Borefield RtW


Update | 30 August 2021

Discussions with the selected contractor are progressing with work on materials availability and an intent to establish a practical delivery schedule towards the end of next week.

SH2 Run to Waste System

Update | 14 September 2020

Last week the team commissioned the new pumps on Bores D and E. Over the coming weeks Council's Network Operations Team will be flushing the new bores to ensure compliant water is available to send to the water treatment plant and Pukeora Reservoir.

SH2 Borefield

Update | 31 August 2020

SH2 Borefield work continues with Max Tarr completing installation of the Turbidity Analyser's for Bore's D and E while we construct the new Pump Sheds on these two bore's, we are planning for commissioning and to have the new bores/ pumps operational by the end of September all going well.

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Update|3 August 2020

Pipework to the new pumps has been completed and posts installed ready for the covers over the bores/ pumps to be constructed. Over the next two week Max Tarr plan to completed installation of the Turbidity Monitoring equipment to allow testing and commissioning to take place.

We are nearing the home stretch – a thorough testing regime will take place before making the new system operational and decommissioning the old supply.

Bore D pump and shed cover

Update | 20 July 2020

The installation of the new 2 new pumps into their bores went well last week, and these are now installed, over the coming weeks, we will work to connect the pipework to them and commence testing to bring them into operation.

SH2 Borefield New Pump Installed

Update | 13 July 2020

We managed to get the pumps ready for install quicker than anticipated, and secure a truck and crane to transport and install. 

Today we commenced the final clean out of Bore D and E ready to install the new pumps, a crane is on site over the next couple days to install the new pumps into Bore D and E – a great milestone for this project, this will now allow us to work towards getting these bores and pumps operational and plan to decommission the old syphon vacuum pump system.

SH2 Borefield Crane Trucks for Pumps

Update | 6 July 2020

The project team continue to chip away at this project, last week the Flow Meter and Flow Test Rig were installed on the Existing Bore A Outlet Pipe. This allows actual flow monitoring off the largest pump and bore onsite, and the flow rig allows for 5 yearly calibration to comply with our resource consent.

The New Pumps for Bores D and E have arrived in the country and are currently in transit to Palmerston North to Max Tarr Workshop to be prepared for installation later this month.

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Update | 15 June 2020

Last week we commissioned Bore B into the network, and over the next few weeks we will tweak how this Bore/ Pump works with our main Bore A pump. This will now allow us to progress with setting up the new Bores D and E, to allow their new pumps to be installed.

Update | 2 June 2020

We are preparing for the commissioning of bore B – which is scheduled to take place on the 9th June. In the interim, on site we are installing permanent fencing, and the shed frame is going up around our new pump for Bore B. Exciting times, we can then begin to remove reliance on the old syphon vacuum pump system.

Bore B with shed frame

Update | 25 May 2020

The new transformer is now live allowing the new control room the supply of an increased power capacity, we are preparing to commission Bore B (pictured below) and once this is safely operational, we will commence decommissioning of Bore C. 

Bore D and E await the final pipework to be installed to join them to the new pipework, and their pumps are due in the country at the end of June, and we hope to have them installed by the end of July 2020.

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Update | 18 May 2020

The works at the borefield continues to progress well, with our contractor continuing to install new pipework and configure one of the new bores/ pumps for operation, we are on track to reach a further milestone on the project this week with the commissioning of the new transformer, which will increase the power capacity to the site and allow the new controls to run the new pump in the bore.

Sh2 Borefield Transformer and Control Shed

Update | 16 March 2020

The project has made great progress in recent weeks with the key piece of new pipework installed into the network, that allows all the new bores to be connected. We forge ahead and expect to have majority of the work complete in June 2020, with one of the new pumps in action.

SH2 Borefield new pipe

Update | 5 March 2020

The shut down last night was successful, and we have installed the new manifold into the network.

The team of Max Tarr, Veolia and Centralines worked well together to install the new pipes and structures in good time, to allow the supply to be restored in time for the usual morning peak use.

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Update | 4 March 2020

Tonight we carry out a shut down of the supply from the borefield up to the reservoir to allow a new section of pipe to be installed that will facilitate the integration of the new bores into the supply.

The shut down is planned from 11pm through to 5am tomorrow morning.

There will be no water supply impact to residents. We need to undertake the work in the period of low use, to minimise the draw down on the reservoir through low peak water use throughout the shutdown. We will monitor levels and at 4am/5am upon completion we will restore supply and the reservoir will fill again and we will revert to normal operation.

The homes up on Pukeora reservoir will be without power throughout the shutdown. As centralines isolate power at the borefield for safety as we use cranes to install pipes and structures into the network.

There will be minor noise as we run our generator at the reservoir. All affected parties have been notified by council and Centralines.

Update | 2 March 2020

Last week we installed the new pump into Bore B, and work on installing the pipework from this bore into the main line for connection. a shut down of the line is planned for the night of 4th March 2020 to install a section of pipework to facilitate future connections of the new bores.

SH2 Borefield Bore B with new Pump

Update | 26 Feb 2020

We are currently preparing the new bores drilled (Bore D and E) for their pipework, and have poured the concrete aprons around the bores. 

The new pumps are being ordered, and the project continues to make good progress.

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Update | 21 Feb 2020

The extension of the electrical control room is nearing completion and the new switch gear and controls are currently being installed.

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Update | 14 Feb 2020

This week we successfully installed an air valve on the existing main that runs from the borefield to the treatment plant and the reservoir.

This was a complex task, involving the shut down of the reservoir and the water supply, undertaken at night between 11pm and 4am to minimise disruption and to ensure the lowest demand possible is on the network.

This air valve acts as a key pressure release instrument on the pipeline, to ensure that once the upgraded pumps and bores are operational, the pipeline isn't under any additional stress or risks fracturing.

1007 SH2 Bore Field Upgrade night work Pukeora Reservoir 20200212 7

Update | 11 Feb 2020

Final pump testing is underway for the new bores this week, this will inform us on the quantity of water each bore may be able to sustain and supply for long periods without significant draw down. Once we have this information, we can the order the right sized pumps to supply water to the reservoir and treatment plant prior to being sent to Waipukurau residents.

1007 SH2 Bore Field Upgrade Bore E Testing 20200212 1

Update | 29 Jan 2020

The control room extension is progressing well and the foundation has set and the frame of the new building going up.

C1007 SH2 Bore Field Electrical Shed Progress 20200129 2

Update | 22 Jan 2020

We are back onsite, preparing Bore B for a new line shaft pump to be installed and the bore head to be raised to improve bore security.

C1007 SH2 Bore Upgrade Bore B Pad 20200124 1

Update | 19 December 2019

The new bores are currently under development as we clear them ready to produce water once pumps are installed, over the next few weeks we pump test the bores to understand their capacity.

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Update | 18 December 2019

The new transformer was installed yesterday on site, and is now ready for commissioning once the electrical control room is complete.

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Update | 16 December 2019

This week we continue to work on preparing the bore field for the new underground pipework to be installed.

The transformer is planned to be installed on site on Wed 18th December - ready to be turned on when the electrical room is equipped and complete.

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Update | 9 December 2019

The screens have arrived and we commence installing them into the bores this week.

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Update | 2 December 2019

The temporary bypass has been cut in allowing the transformer work to continue and the above ground pipework to be removed from Bore C.

Work has also begun on the control room building extension this week.

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Update | 19 November 2019

The project continues to progress, with the site temporary fenced. 

Excavation has started on site to identify services and confirm the pipe layout, the team is also planning a temporary bypass to allow the removal of a section of above ground pipe.

Tomorrow 20th Nov, Centralines commence work on site to install the pad for the new transformer.

The following week, we are planning a shut down to install a new stainless steel manifold with off takes to allow the new bores and Bore B to be connected in at a later date.

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Update| 5 November 2019

Both bores are drilled to a depth of 8mtrs.

The screens to be installed in the bores are on order, and we expect to have the bores developed by the Xmas break, awaiting their pumps.

New Bores in SH2 Paddock

Update | 31 October 2019

Bore drilling is going well, with one new bore in place at 8m deep, and the other approx. 6m deep at the moment, and expected to be completed this week. We can then install the screens and start pump testing. Other works also progress well, and our building shed extension is planned to start in a few weeks along with the power upgrades, and pipeline installation.

SH2 Borefield New Bores 31 10

Update | 21 October 2019

After a few weeks of poor weather - we are into the drilling of the new bores at our SH2 Borefield site this week.

These are to replace two aged bores, in preparation for our upgrade of the site with new pumps, electrical controls, automation, meters, and pipeworks replacement. Work is expected to take three weeks to drill these new bores.

Other components of the project continue to progress, with Centralines on site after labour weekend to start with the transformer upgrade and relocation.

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Update - 18 Sep 2019

Bore drilling is to commence on site from early October 2019 for a period of 3 weeks to replace two bores, works is also expected to take place in mid Oct 2019 by Centralines to upgrade the current overhead 200kva transformer to a pad mounted 500 kva transformer.

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Update | 23 August 2019

A new Pump for Bore B is on order, and the works required to replace Bore D and E is scheduled for Sep 2019.

The electrical design and shed extension is under review.

The project continues to progress with its many facets, and council is working towards a late Dec 2019 completion.

Update | 25 July 2019

Council has awarded a contract to Max Tarr Ltd in conjunction with WSP-Opus to deliver this key project.

Works and planning are currently underway, with the following key items in progress;

- Camera assessments of the bores

- Relocation and upgrade of the in-situ transformer with Centralines

- Building extension to house the upgraded controls

- Fencing changes

Physical works is expected to commence onsite in Aug 2019, trenching in new pipelines, extending the building housing the controls, and general civil works.

Update | 21 June 2019

This project has progressed to contract negotiations, and Council expects to have awarded a contract and finalised a programme by early July 2019.

This week, did mark a milestone for works to progress with the re-installation of 'pump A' , this adds resilience back to the borefield and the project team can now focus, on finalising the works to upgrade Bores B, C, D and E.

Council still expects works to take approx 4 months, and be completed by December 2019.

Update | 5 April 2019

This project is currently under tender and Council expect to have awarded a contract to our preferred supplier in May 2019.

There have been some delays to the works programme due to the unexpected failure of the main Pump 'A' at this borefield. Council expects works to take approx 4 months, and be completed by December 2019.

On completion, there will be four lineshaft pumps including Pump 'A' with the ability to variably pump water to the Pukeora reservoir.

Update | 18 January 2019

The design aspect of this project is progressing well, council is currently finalising the design and pipe layout and plans to tender this work out in Feb/ March 2019.

Draft Design SH2 Bore Upgrade Layout

Update | 6 November 2018

Council has a project to upgrade the bores that supply water to the Pukeora reservoir and the township of Waipukurau. A number of the pumps are nearing end of life and require replacement.

Council is also taking the opportunity to upgrade the electrical control system and install flow and turbidity meters on all bores to assist with the maintenance and drinking water standard (DWS) compliance.

Council is currently finalising the detailed design, and is aiming to tender the works out in early 2019 for physical completion by 30 June 2019.

Further updates will be provided as the project progresses.


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