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Waka Tākaro - Play Trailer

We have partnered with Sport Hawke's Bay to provide the community with Waka Tākaro, a mobile community play trailer funded by the Tu Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund.

1wakatakaro1The purpose of Waka Tākaro is to support and empower our communities to understand and appreciate play and create more opportunities for local play to happen more often for more people. 

Educators are telling us that this resource presents a superb opportunity for authentic learning and engaged students. 

Waka Tākaro offers children opportunities for free, creative play. The fun-packed trailer load of gear aims to encourage playfulness in our communities, with equipment such as bats, balls, nets, timber, PVC pipes, tennis balls and recycled items to enjoy.  

To find out more about Waka Tākaro or check its availability, contact our team anytime on 06 857 8060 or email

Click here to book the Waka Tākaro - Play Trailer

“Play is where children practice life” 

Play is essential for growth in cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. It builds fundamental physical literacy, fosters creativity and innovation, builds ability to identify and manage risk. Play contributes to not only children’s lives but also the wellbeing of their families, whānau and wider community. 

Sport New Zealand has developed seven Principles of Playthat advocate for the importance of play in young New Zealander’s lives.  

  • Empower children through open ended play with loose parts 

  • Allow a Holistic view when children are playing 

  • Tamariki will be able to play an active role in their community 

  • Loose play promotes relationships between family members and the community 

  • Tamariki are able to feel a since of wellbeing and belonging while being out in a welcoming community based environment  

  • Tamariki are able to explore using different materials 

  • Thinking skills will be put to the test and developed through loose parts play 

  • Rangatahi can support and boost confidence within tamariki when engaging in play 

  • Supports all ages with stress and anxiety by being able to provide a relaxed environment within the community 

  • Outside play allows tamariki to respect nature 

  • Develop cognitive abilities 

  • Supports the development of the imagination 

  • Promote physical well being 

  • Grows and nurtures friendships 

  • Builds long lasting bonds with whānau 

We ask the following of the individual(s)/organisation hiring the Waka Tākaro to help develop the story of positive impact for play:   

  1. An additional item is added to the Waka Tākaro (this could be a safe loose parts play piece or a more conventional piece of sports equipment).  
  2. The individual(s)/organisation takes a photo in front of the Play Trailer with the additional play piece they are gifting to the Play Trailer. Please send to the Play Activator. 
  3. The individual(s)/organisation writes a short blurb of their experience (can come from the tamariki) using the Waka Tākaro and an insight on play/example of positive impact that has resulted through use of the Play Trailer. Please send to Same staff member 

The Waka Tākaro play trailer will be secured and unsecured to your vehicle by Council staff only. The Waka Tākaro consists of: 

  1. 1 x trailer 
  2. 1 x key for pad lock 
  3. 1 x key for door locks 
  4. 1 x jockey wheel 
  5.  A variety of loose parts (an complete list will be included in the play trailer)  
  6. A wheel clamp
  7. A padlock and chain


  1. Equipment and trailer will be picked up and dropped off from the Waka Tākaro place of storage by the individual making the booking. This can be completed outside office hours as there is a lock box where the keys are located. Upon your booking being confirmed you will be given the lock box code. 
  2. Waka Tākaro bookings must be made a minimum of three (3) days prior to hire date(s) (unless a shorter lead in period is approved by Central Hawkes Bay District Council).
  3. The Waka Tākaro will be checked before and after use. Any damage to the Waka Tākaro during the hire period is the responsibility of the individual(s)/organisation who made the booking.
  4. All equipment (including trailer) must be returned in a clean and tidy condition ready for the next user.
  5. Please ensure all equipment is placed back in the appropriate containers/bins when it is packed up for collection.
  6. All Health, Safety and Wellbeing obligations and responsibilities related to the Waka Tākaro and related events are the full responsibility of the individual(s)/organisation hiring the Waka Tākaro during their hire period.
  7. The Waka Tākaro and its equipment will not need to be supervised for the entire duration of your event but the expectation is that at regular intervals it is checked upon to ensure appropriate use.
  8. A Health and Safety plan has been created and is to be abided by when using the Waka Tākaro.
  9. The Hirer will return of the Waka Tākaro at the agreed time and date.
  10. The Hirer will ensure the Waka Tākaro shall not be used for any illegal activity or be used in an activity that causes a nuisance or disturbance, or in any manner detrimental to the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council representation in the community.
  11. The Hirer shall give Central Hawke’s Bay District Council notice of any failure, damage or accident.
  12. The Hirer will ensure the Waka Tākaro is operated using all health and safety practices and controls required by the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (OSH).
  13. Security of the Waka Tākaro is the responsibility of the hirer/organisation. The trailer must remain locked while not in use and the keys kept in a safe place. If keeping overnight, the trailer should be kept in a secured area where and when possible.
  14. There is currently no fee to hire of the Waka Tākaro (except for missing or damaged equipment).
  15. All parties that will be towing the trailer with show there full driver’s license, car registration and WoF.

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