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Partnership approach sees Te Taiwhenua ō Tamatea secure close to $900,000 for the restoration of five marae in Tamatea – Central Hawke’s Bay

Tapairu Marae IMG 2074 00000003

Five marae in Tamatea - Central Hawke’s Bay, will share in $887,291 of central government funding from the Provincial Growth Fund for restoration work as part of a partnership project between Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea and Central Hawke’s Bay District Council.  

Rākei Ora – Bringing Wellbeing to Marae is funded through the government’s $230 million “Provincial Growth Fund: COVID-19 response – redeployment and acceleration” fund, launched in May last year.  The fund is administered by MBIE and includes an allocation of up to $70 million for the renovation of town halls, war memorials, Marae and Pasifika churches.

Rākei Ora builds on the successes of Tihei Tamatea! – Central Hawke’s Bay’s Māori network approach to wellbeing in response to COVID-19.  The project saw Central Hawke’s Bay District Council of behalf of Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea apply to the fund, with Council now providing operational support for the delivery of the project alongside other funded projects such as the extension of the TukiTuki Trails, Mayors Taskforce for jobs and other PGF Funded Projects.

The programme will employ 11 Māori from across the five marae to deliver the refurbishments, which include exterior and interior painting of buildings and maintenance. 

The five marae scheduled for restoration work as part of Rākei Ora are:
o             Rakautatahi
o             Rongomaraeroa
o             Whatuiapiti
o             Tapairu
o             Mataweka

Tapairu Marae is first in line for restoration with works kicking off today, following a rousing powhiri for the workers, contractors and staff involved in the project.  The marae will have roofing and internal repairs and renewals, including insulation and electrical fit out.

Doctor Roger Maaka, Chairman of the Taiwhenua and Kaiārahi Matua for CHBDC says: “From our experience of the Covid 19 lockdown, the Taiwhenua established Tihei Tamatea! as a community action network to address well-being within our communities, and Rākei Ora is the first initiative. It is the beginning of a home-grown ‘Tamatea/CHB’ approach to both the challenges and opportunities that face us, the Tangata Whenua, of Tamatea."

Alex Walker, Mayor of Central Hawke’s Bay says: “For the past three years we have had a focus on securing external, non-rates funding, to augment the crucial work we do in Central Hawke’s Bay. This partnership with Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea is another great example of us being able to help community aspirations to thrive!”

“Rākei Ora builds on the successes of Tihei Tamatea! – a unique Tamatea- Central Hawke’s Bay Māori network approach to wellbeing in response to COVID-19.  The programme seeks to bring wellbeing to marae in the widest sense and the people of Tamatea, both as manawhenua and participants in the programme.”

18 January 2021

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