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How should industry pay to dispose trade waste into the district wastewater network?


Communities in Central Hawke’s Bay will have an opportunity to have their say on the way businesses and industry are charged for disposing trade waste into the district’s wastewater networks.  

Other issues residents will be asked for views on include the importance of water meters as a tool to monitor network performanceand whether the council should introduce a policy for all new build homes to have a water tank that captures roof water. 

These issues and more all form part of the council’s review of its three waters bylaws which cover proposals relating to water supply, wastewater, trade waste and stormwater management. The new bylaws will inform how the council approaches asset management and durable infrastructure practices to support our sustainable water demand management plan and wastewater strategy.  

The four bylaws under review are:  

  • Trade Waste: Trade waste is any liquid that is or may be discharged from a trade Premises or tanker to the Council’s sewerage wastewater system. Currently, businesses who discharge ‘trade waste’ into our wastewater network are charged in a different way than our residential ratepayers. Community feedback to date supports a user pays approach. If the proposed 2021 Trade Waste Bylaw is to be implemented, this means that those who discharge large amounts of waste, or highly concentrated waste, would pay to cover their relevant contribution to the wastewater system.  
  • Wastewater: Council needs to ensure that our wastewater systems and processes can consistently, effectively and sustainably treat wastewater. The proposed bylaw changes will improve readability, allowing Council to clarify the intent of the bylaw.  
  • Water Supply: Water conservation – water is vital in our part of the country. The council’s proposed Water Supply 2021 Bylaw allows the district to better monitor water usage for more effective water conservation withing our region, mandating the installation of water tanks on all urban new builds, to make sure there is enough water for everyone in Central Hawke’s Bay.  
  • Stormwater: Stormwater has a huge effect on the water within our region. Stormwater discharge from private properties and businesses enters our drainage networks, and ultimately our rivers. Council needs the district’s feedback on the proposed 2021 Stormwater Bylaw, and whether Council can play an active role in helping manage Stormwater discharge from private residences. The implementation of household water tanks that can be used for watering gardens and washing cars can also help our district preserve water.   

Mayor of Central Hawke’s Bay, Alex Walker says: “The solutions for our wastewater treatment system does not just lie with residents and ratepayers. Our industries are also core beneficiaries from our infrastructure and it is crucial that their role is clearly defined. I am pleased that the Trade Waste bylaw has been reviewed in time to sit alongside such an important Long Term Plan for the district as I want ratepayers to know that we are looking closely at all parts of the system – not just debt and rates increases.”  

“More than many parts of New Zealand, Central Hawke’s Bay truly understands how vital water is to the place we live, work and play in. Many many people around the district have spoken to us about the logic of requiring new urban homes to have tanks – building resilience just like our rural communities do”, says Mayor of Central Hawke’s Bay, Alex Walker.  

From 1 March the draft replacement Stormwater, Wastewater and Water Supply bylaws will be available on the council website at and available for free inspection at the Central Hawke's Bay District Council, 28/32 Ruataniwha Street, Waipawa 4210. Residents and industry will be able to make paper or online submissions from 1 March 2021. The Trade Waste Bylaw can be viewed online now, with submissions accepted until April 12, 2021. 


Notes to the editor:  

  • The review takes place at the same time as the district’s Long Term Plan 2021-2031 (LTP) community consultation (from 1 to 31 March) giving residents an opportunity to consider the long term impacts of the bylaws in relation to proposals made in the Long Term Plan. The feedback Council receives will help develop an integrated approach to three waters management in the District.   

  • Council bylaws and policies are a set of rules or regulations that are created to control specific activities within our District. Most bylaws, including those now subject to review, are made under the Local Government Act 2002. Legislation requires councils to review a bylaw five years after it is made, and then every 10 years after that.  

  • In 2020, Council initiated a consolidated review of the 2018 Part 07: Drinking Water Bylaw, 2018 Part 21: Stormwater Bylaw, 2018 Part 22: Wastewater Bylaw and the 2018 Part 23: Trade Waste Bylaw and Appendices. The review revealed that these bylaws need to be refreshed to ensure they reflect the environmental and infrastructural demands of our time. 

To view the Draft Trade Waste Bylaw and make a submission online, go to:


18 January 2022

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