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Central Hawke’s Bay District Council Refuse and Recycling Update - Wednesday 8 April

smart environmental

Moving into the second week of the COVID-19 Alert Level Four response, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council are continuing to provide essential services to the community, including roading, storm and wastewater systems, drinking water and refuse collection.
Here are some important updates in relation to Councils refuse and recycling, in particular for our rural residents.
Rural Community Council rubbish bag and recycling disposal
For the rural community who live outside of the kerbside collection catchment area, the Waipawa Transfer Station will extend their opening times, for rural people to dispose of Council rubbish bags and their recycling to landfill.  From next week the Porangahau Transfer Station will open for limited hours for rural residents to also dispose of their Council rubbish bags and recycling to landfill, through the course of the Alert Level 4 lockdown.
“Since the Level 4 lockdown began we have heard considerable frustration from the rural community in relation to recycling and rubbish disposal” says Monique Davidson, Chief Executive of Central Hawke’s Bay District Council. “In response to this, we’ve been agile in our service approach, to ensure that all of our community are given fair access to their essential services. This includes extending the service available to rural residents at the Waipawa Transfer Station and also opening a second station in Porangahau for those who live further south.”
Waipawa Transfer Station opening hours for rural residents:

  • What: Disposal of rubbish in pre-paid green or yellow Council rubbish bags and recycling to go to landfill in a container open for inspection before tipping.
  • When: Thursdays (starting from 2 April) from 9.00am to 5.00pm
  • Where: Waipawa Transfer Station, Tikokino Road

Porangahau Transfer Station opening hours for rural residents:

  • What: Disposal of rubbish in pre-paid green or yellow Council rubbish bags and recycling to go to landfill in a container open for inspection before tipping.
  • When: Wednesdays (starting from 15 April) from 10.00am to 4.00pm 
  • Where: Porangahau Transfer Station, Porangahau Road 

Disposal of refuse is permitted only in pre-paid green or yellow Central Hawke’s Bay District Council bags. Disposal of general rubbish or any other rubbish in bags that are not Council pre-paid is not allowed.
Recycling will be disposed of into the transfer station bins, and must be presented in a container open for inspection before tipping.  At this time all recycling, with the exception of glass will go to landfill.
Kerbside Refuse and Recycling Collection
Across Central Hawke’s Bay, kerbside rubbish and recycling collection continues as normal, and residents are advised to place green and yellow rubbish bags and recycling crates to the kerb by 7.30am on their usual day of collection.

Refuse and recycling collection days are as follows:

Refuse collection

  • Blackhead: Sunday
  • Kairakau, Mangakuri, Aramoana, Pourerere: Monday
  • Waipukurau: Tuesday
  • Waipawa, Otane: Wednesday
  • Takapau, OngaOnga, Tikokino, Porangahau/Te Paerahi: Thursday

Recycling collection

  • Waipukurau: Monday
  • Waipawa: Friday (except for Good Friday when it will be collected on Saturday 11th April)

Recycling Service During Alert Level Four
In Central Hawke's Bay we consider our recycling collection to be an essential service and we are doing our best to continue this service as normal.

Our plastic, tins and cardboard will continue to be collected, however during Alert Level Four we’ve received national direction that these are unable to be processed for recycling and these items are being sent to landfill.  Glass will continue to be recycled.

The reason for this is that these items have to be sorted manually, meaning people need to physically touch each item, this raises the risk factor of exposure to COVID-19.

What can you do to help?

  • Continue to put all of your recycling out as normal
  • Please don’t put plastic, tins or cardboard in your rubbish bags as this could potentially overload the system

To help reduce potential exposure to COVID-19:

  • Please do not approach our collection teams
  • Please wipe down crate handles and wash your hands after you have touched the crates

Stockpiling of recycling is not recommended to avoid sending recycling to landfill, due to the uncertainties in international markets and the ability for sorting facilities to effectively manage the potential peaks in stockpiled volumes that may result.
If however you do wish to stockpile recycling at home - please ensure your recycling is thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a clean dry area. This is to mitigate fire risk and risk of transmitting COVID-19.  
Transfer Stations and Recycling Drop-Off Centres
Transfer Stations and Recycling Drop-Off Centres are places that public congregate.  Based on national guidance as we unite to eliminate COVID-19, all Central Hawke's Bay Transfer Stations and Recycling Drop-Off Centres are closed with exceptions, until further notice.
Waipukurau Transfer Station will remain open to essential businesses and commercial users only.
The Waipawa and Porangahau Transfer station are open at limited times for pre-paid green or yellow Central Hawke’s Bay District Council rubbish bag and recycling disposal.  No other waste will be accepted.  
Council want to make sure everyone is kept safe, so the Transfer Station will be closely monitored during drop off times. To maintain physical distancing, residents will be asked to remain in their vehicles and will only be permitted into the drop off zone one car at a time. Once inside the drop off zone, residents will be asked to drop their bags or container into the bins and return to their vehicle immediately.
Council asks those who utilise this service to please be patient and understand they will be attended to as quickly as possible.
Dropping of bags or rubbish of any kind by the gate will be treated as illegal dumping and subject to fines.
To keep up to date with the latest information and for handy tips on how to reduce the volume of waste and recycling please refer to the Council website 
We thank you for your patience and co-operation to ensure our communities stay safe.  

9 April 2020

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