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Cyclone Gabrielle - Building Recovery & Waste Permits

Building Recovery Information Pack

An information pack is available to those impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle and includes useful information to assist with building recovery:

  • Getting started if your property has been stickered
  • Pathways for repair
  • Discretionary Exemption application form - application form
  • Pre-assessment checklist - checklist
  • Additional information - financial support, tenancy, wellbeing and silt removal
  • Assessing and remediating water damage to plasterboard linings

A copy is available to view here - Building Recovery Information Pack.

White Stickered Homes 

If your home received a WHITE sticker after a Rapid Building Assessment following the Cyclone Gabrielle weather event, you are now authorised to remove the WHITE sticker from your home. If your Building received a Yellow or Red Sticker, you must leave this on your home until it has been reassessed by one of our Building inspectors. If remedial work has been completed and you are ready to have your home reassessed, please call us on 06 8578060.

Rapid Building Assessments

Our Building Consent officers are carrying out re-inspections of YELLOW and RED stickered homes. If you have any questions call us on 06 857 8060. Following inspections, properties receive either a WHITE, YELLOW or RED sticker. The stickers are a legal instruction and only authorised officials can place, change or remove them.

  • RED – Means re-entry is prohibited because the building is no longer safe or significantly compromised.
  • YELLOW- A yellow sticker means assessors have concerns about the building’s performance and access may have been restricted to part of the building only or may be restricted for short-term only.
  • WHITE – The property may have minor damage but is sufficiently safe and habitable.

If the property is stickered RED or YELLOW residents may need Temporary Accommodation Services or to stay with family and friends in the meantime. 

What happens next?

Rapid assessments are an initial safety check. You will need to make contact with your insurer as a first step and depending on the damage, speak to a suitably qualified tradesperson or chartered professional engineer. Once work has been completed, Council inspectors will need to reassess your building to have the sticker downgraded to white. If your dwelling has been decontaminated and dried out (and you have sanitation and cooking provisions) you may request the Council reassess your dwelling with a view to downgrading to a white placard. A white sticker (placard) means you can occupy your dwelling without restrictions while repair work is being carried out. The sticker system identifies appropriate occupancy and is not necessarily related to the progress of your rebuilding process. 

Once the rebuilding work is complete you will need to supply Council with exemption forms (available in this pack), photographs of the work being completed, waterproof membrane installer sign off etc. The property file will then be updated to show the flood damage has been repaired and addressed. Please phone our Customer Service team on 06 857 8060 to arrange an inspection.

Support and assistance may be available through Ministry of Social Developments Civil Defence payments, please contact them on: 0800 400 100.

The Building Act sets out a number of offences and penalties for non-compliance when the Building Act powers are in place. The responsible person who has been designated for building emergency management has the powers to make decisions about non-compliance.

The powers for offences and penalties are in sections 133BR to 133BU, and 133BW and 133BX of the Building Act. The penalties include the ability for fines of between $5,000 and $200,000 to be imposed if a person intentionally fails to comply with the relevant provisions of the Building Act.

The responsible person will consider the appropriate compliance approach. 

Additional MBIE messages 

MBIE has activated the National Building Response Management Plan to support the response to the emergency in the Auckland Region and in preparation for Cyclone Gabrielle.

The Building Management Response Team will continue to monitor activities in the designated area and consider further support for Central Hawkes Bay District. Central Hawkes Bay District Council are still assessing the damage in their region.


The New Zealand Claims Resolution Service will provide expert support to homeowners with insurance claims after natural disasters to avoid disputes, resolve issues and ensure claims are settled as quickly as possible. Homeowners who have concerns about their claim or are unsure about the process can contact NZCRS on:

0508 624 327

email or visit

DK Legal

Phone 06 876 3553 or email or

Key messages on the designation  

On 20 February 2023, Central Hawke's Bay District Council notified the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment of their decision to designate Central Hawke's Bay District, under the Building Act 2004, to manage buildings that have been affected by flooding and land instability.

The decision to designate the area of the Central Hawke's Bay District will allow Central Hawke's Bay District Council to manage any on-going risks to people from buildings as a result of the event.

What is a designated area?

A designated area is an area approved by the relevant decision maker to allow a local authority to take specific actions under the Building Act to manage buildings in an emergency. The decision to designate this area was made by the Local CDEM Controller of Central Hawke's Bay District on 20 February 2023.

The designated area extends across the entire Central Hawke's Bay District. The area designated will be reviewed once Rapid Building Assessments are completed. 

This designation will be reviewed every 90 days by Central Hawke's Bay District Council to confirm that the powers conferred by the designation are required to manage the response and recovery.  

The designation may remain in place until 17 February 2026, unless terminated earlier.

What will happen next?

Once a designated area is in place, the Building Act provides a number of special powers that may be exercised in respect of all buildings within the designated area.

The powers that can be used within a designated area provide a responsible person with authority to (among other things):

  • Enter buildings.
  • Complete post-event assessments.
  • Direct the evacuation of buildings.
  • Put in place measures for protecting buildings and keeping people at a safe distance.
  • Place notices and signs on buildings.
  • Direct the owners of building or land to provide information.
  • Direct works (urgent and non-urgent) to remove or reduce risks.

Direct works for long term use or occupation of a building.

How long will it be a designated area?

Until all buildings within the area are deemed safe, Central Hawke's Bay District Council will review the designation at least every 90 days and notify the public of the outcome of this review.

A designation of an area can be in force for up to three years and can be subsequently extended one time for a further three years, during which certain powers may be exercised.


Central Hawke's Bay District Council - Copyright © 2025 Central Hawke's Bay District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Central Hawke's Bay District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Central Hawke's Bay District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Central Hawke's Bay District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Central Hawke's Bay District Council - / +64 6 857 8060 /