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Cyclone Recovery - Otāne and the Papanui catchment

Otāne and the Papanui catchment

Key impacts

Key Impacts At the height of Cyclone Gabrielle Otāne/Papanui was significantly impacted due to the damage caused on our water and wastewater infrastructure.

The key impacts experienced by Otāne/Papanui were:

• Waipawa Water Supply, including Otāne was impacted and a boil water notice was in place until 11 March 2023. Water tankers were provided in the township until the boil water notice was lifted.

• Waipawa wastewater treatment plant, including Otāne was extensively damaged. Portaloos were provided to the Otāne township.

• Roading network damaged, in particular Tod Road Bridge.

• Telecommunications were down for the first 2 days.

• Otāne School closed from afternoon of the 13th February until Monday 20th February.

• Local businesses financially affected due to inability to trade.

• Significant damage caused to land users, particularly in the farming and agricultural industry.

Recovery Planning 

On Thursday 13 April a Community Conversation was held with Otāne and Papanui catchment communities. Approximately 45 residents attended.

Key issues discussed related to the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle on roads, stormwater, flood protection systems, communication networks, and preparedness for future emergency events.

Key issues raised have been collated themes and actions in the table below.

To see our first cut of an action plan for Otāne/Papanui see below or to see the full Recovery Plan, click here. 



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