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External Committees

Council has representation on a number of external committees in the community and region. Council is represented either by an Elected Members or Council appointee.

External and Community Representation

Council has representation on a number of external committees in the community and region. These can be on community organisations, government agencies or joint Council initiatives. Council is represented either by an Elected Members or Council appointee.



Description of Committee

Joint Standing Committee Civil Defence Emergency Management  Her Worship the Mayor Alex Walker 

The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee is required under section 12 (1) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act, with membership made up of Mayors and Regional Council Chair and their deputies as alternates. 

Regional Transport Committee 

Her Worship the Mayor Walker 

Alternate:  Councillor Kate Taylor  

The RTC is a subcommittee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC).  It has two HBRC Councillors. One councillor is the chairman, and the other is their elected representative on the RTC and the Mayor from each of the four (4) Hawke’s Bay local authorities. 

Each of the Land Transport Managers in the local authorities are a representative on the TAG (Transportation Advisory Group) who support and provide information and recommendations to and attend the RTC meetings.

The key responsibility of the RTC is to coordinate, discuss and prioritise the land transport projects and direction at a regional level before they are submitted to HBRC for approval and submission to the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) for inclusion in the National Land Transport Program (NLTP) at a national level. 

Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee 

Her Worship the Mayor 

Councillor Brent Muggeridge  

The committee was established as a result of the Government inquiry into the Havelock North drinking water contamination, to provide governance oversight to the Joint Working Group (staff) regarding the implementation of recommendations from the Inquiry Panel and then the evolution of the JWG into a more permanent official working group.  

The committee currently comprises two Elected Members from each of the five participating councils and the HB District Health Board, alongside one representative of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. The Terms of Reference (attached) provide for the group to meet at least 6 monthly.  The first meeting for this triennium will be scheduled early in 2020.  

Tukituki Leaders Forum 

Her Worship the Mayor 

Deputy Mayor Kelly Annand 

The Forum was formed by invitation from the Chair of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Mayor of the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council. 

The Forum is an invited group of community leaders who are being asked to think to the future and to provide feedback that influences the Council’s activities relevant to the group’s mission statement: 

  • To create a unified approach to improving water quality and security through proactive land and water management in the Tukituki catchment. 
  • The Forum is not a decision making group and are not able to direct Council resources nor write or change Council policy. Instead, the group will meet regularly and form an important reference and feedback panel for Council activities with respect to water, land and infrastructure management in the Tukituki catchment.  
  • The Forum will consider and discuss issues to ensure that local iwi/hapu, community and primary sector groups are involved and have the opportunity for input and to provide comment on the work of the group. 
CHB Consumer Power Trust  One Mayoral appointed trustee Catie Avery and one Council appointed trustee – George Williams 

The Central Hawke’s Bay Consumer Power Trust holds 100% of the shares in Centralines. 

In terms of the Trust Deed, a Mayoral appointment and a Trustee appointed by Central Hawke’s Bay District Council shall be the appointed (as opposed to elected) Trustees of the CHB Consumer Power Trust. Appointed Trustees remain in office until the expiry of their three-year term - usually the 31st March of the relevant year.  New appointments will take effect from 1st April. 

One of the appointed Trustees has a residential qualification requiring that they essentially reside more than 15 kms from the centre of Waipawa or Waipukurau.  

CHB District Community Trust  Council appointed trustees – Pip Burne and 1 vacancy to be appointed.  

The Trust is the owner and operator of the indoor heated pool at Russell Park, Waipukurau. Council provides funding to the Trust under a Service Contract to enable the Trust to provide community access to modern recreational swimming and fitness facilities. 

The Trust Deed provides that there shall be no more than 10 Trustees, nor less than 6. The Trustees shall include two (2) Trustees appointed by the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council.  Elections are held three (3) yearly.  Trustees appointed by the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council may have their appointment revoked by giving written notice to the Trust Secretary.  Council reviews these appointments after each triennial election. 

CHB Health Liaison Group  Councillor Kelly Annand  A community taskforce that works to improve health outcomes and services in Central Hawke’s Bay.  
CHB Museum  Councillor Jerry Greer 

This society has been established to ensure that the residents of Central Hawke’s Bay and visitors have access to a Museum providing the history of the early settlement of the District. Council is represented on the society’s committee and has one Council representative out of a total of ten committee members.  Council provides ongoing financial support to the society on an annual basis, and its performance is monitored by the Council directly. 

Eric Tate Scholarship Trust  Her Worship the Mayor Walker  

The Eric Tate Scholarship Trust was established in 1984 to provide scholarships to students who normally reside in the area served by the former Waipawa District High School and the townships of Onga Onga, Tikokino and Otane. 

Scholarships are initially for one year to assist students in pursuing a full-time course at university. This may, however, be extended. 

The Scholarship Award Panel is the Mayor, Council Chief Executive and the Principal of the CHB College. 

Forest Gate Domain  Councillor Tim Aitken  

In 1980 Councils were asked to accept responsibility for their local Domain Boards. In the case of Forest Gate – the existing Domain Board decided to accept Council’s control by way of vesting the Domain in the Waipawa District Council in trust for recreation purposes. 

Although the land has been vested in Council, effectively the “Domain Board Committee” has the day to day running of it.  The Domain is split into a Golf Course run by the Onga Onga Golf Club, a small farm run by a Farming Committee, and a Cricket Clu, run by the cricket club. The Domain Board reports to Council once a year.  An agreement between the Domain Board Committee and the Farming Committee is in place with a copy of this agreement kept by Council; it is not signed by Council.  Any profits from the farm are split between the Farming Committee, Golf Club, and Cricket Club with rent being paid to the Domain Board.  

Council has never contemplated taking over the running of the Domain, part of the discussions and agreement at the time was that the running of the Domain would be left to the “Domain Committee”.  Council does appoint a Councillor to be on the Domain Board to give them Council’s support.
Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee  Councillor Gerard Minehan 

The Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee was established by an Order in Council in June 1989 as part of the Local Government (Hawke’s Bay Region) Reorganisation Order 1989. 

Hastings District Council are tasked with establishing and maintaining a committee which consists of: 

  • Two members from Napier City Council 
  • Two members from Hastings District Council 
  • One member from Central Hawke’s Bay District Council. 
Hawke’s Bay Medical Research Foundation  Council appointed representative– Bridget Smith

The Hawke’s Bay Medical Research Foundation was formed in 1961 to foster and support medical research and health education in and outside Hawke’s Bay.  The objectives of the Foundation are to promote, initiate and support research in all health related fields including medical and health education, knowledge and understanding. 

Funds are administered by skilled professionals from medical, legal, and business professions to foster medical research, education and the provision of equipment for the benefit of the people of Hawke’s Bay. 

The governing body comprises of a president and nine Council members.  Council members included nominees from Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, Wairoa District Council, four members appointed by the Foundation, and a Public Hospitals of Hawke’s Bay staff representative. 

Hawke’s Bay Sports Council  Councillor Exham Wichman 

The Hawke’s Bay Sports Council was formed (in June 2010) out of the Sport Hawke’s Bay territorial authorities Stakeholders Group.  It was decided that it was important to have Elected Members participation on a Hawke’s Bay wide sporting strategy and the formation of a Sports Council was the best vehicle to achieve its aims. 

HB Cycling Governance Group  Councillor Exham Wichman  

The Cycling Governance Group was established to oversee the preparation and implementation of the Regional Cycle Plan 2015. The group oversees cycling initiatives in the region to ensure a coordinated approach and was instrumental in achieving a significant portion of the Urban Cycleways Fund in 2015 for the commencement to the iWay programme in Napier and completion in Hastings. It has since achieved significant funding for the Hawke’s Bay Trails through NZ Cycle Trails Inc.  

Howard Estate Advisory Board (Smedley Station)  Joint Council nominated representative – Richard Hilson.  

The original block of land was owned by the Howard Family.  At the time of death the will specified that a Trust be formed to establish a farm cadet training centre that would use the original block of land and prevent it from reverting back to scrub to farm the land and train farm cadets.  The trust formation structure and representation was specified in the original will and has been administered by the Public Trust since its inception.  The Public Trust was appointed to run the Smedley Station and Cadet Training Farm by an Act of Parliament. 

The Trust comprises of six board members of which this Council collectively along with Tararua District Council, Wairoa District Council, Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce, Waipawa Chamber of Commerce and CHB Promotions all have the ability to nominate one representative to the advisory board.  The six representatives represent A&P Society, School Trustee Association, Federated Farmers, Smedley Cadet Training Farm Old Boy’s Association, and Napier/Hastings Chamber of Commerce.  No financial support is provided by this Council.  The performance of the organisation is monitored by the Public Trust. 

Local Government NZ Zone 3  Her Worship the Mayor Walker 

Zones have been set up by Local Government New Zealand to amongst other things, provide an opportunity for two way communication between Zone Member Authorities and Local Government NZ, and to provide information sharing opportunities. 

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council belongs to Zone 3 which comprises a group of Councils across the Central North Island. 

The Zone Chair and National Council and Community Board Zone representative are appointed after each triennial election and hold office until the next triennial election.  The Chair Secretary is normally an officer from the chair’s council. 

Local Government NZ – Rural and Provincial Sector  Her Worship the Mayor Walker 

Each Council is a member of one of four sector groups – metropolitan, regional, provincial or rural. Each sector has one representative on the LGNZ National Council.  The purpose of the sector groups, as set out in the Local Government New Zealand constitution, is to act as an electoral college for the appointment of National Council representatives. 

Each sector group has developed their own set of priority issues which are addressed, with assistance from Local Government NZ, with the objective of simultaneously pursuing the particular interests of each sector and the general interests of local government. 

The Rural Sector Group meets twice annually, usually, but not always, in Wellington. 

Mayoral Taskforce for Jobs  Her Worship the Mayor Walker 

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council is a member of the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs.  The goal of the Taskforce is to try to ensure that all young people under 25 years are engaged in appropriate education, training, work or other activities that contribute to their long term economic independence and wellbeing.

Council is represented on the Taskforce by the Mayor.
Porangahau Environmental Management Team  Councillor Kate Taylor  

The Porangahau Environmental Management Team is a team set up to look at the treatment and disposal of wastewater for the Porangahau and Te Paerahi townships. 

The PEMT has not been active for some years, however wastewater for Porangahau and Te Paerahi are now an area of focus.  
Rural Advisory Group  Councillor Tim Aitken  The Rural Advisory Group provides guidance and support to the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group on key issues that the rural community may face in the event of an emergency.  
Creative Communities  Councillor Jerry Greer  

The Creative Communities Scheme (CCS) provides funding to communities so New Zealanders can be involved in local arts activities. Creative New Zealand works with Central Hawke’s Bay District council to deliver the scheme.  

Te Aute Drainage Scheme  Councillor Brent Muggeridge 

Council collects rates from Drainage Scheme members to fund the operations of the Scheme. The level of rates required is set each year at an Annual General Meeting. Payments are made by Council against authorised expenditure – which will be tabled for ratification by scheme members at the following Annual General Meeting. 

Council appoints a Councillor who attends the Annual General Meeting. 

Waipawa Building Society Trust  Her Worship the Mayor Walker and Councillor  
Pip Burne 

The Waipawa Building Society Scholarship Trust was established in 1990 by the Waipawa County Permanent Building and Investment Society.  As custodian trustee, the council is responsible for allocation of funds from the trust.  The council is represented by the Mayor, one other Elected Member and the Chief Executive along with representatives from the Waipawa Lions Club and the Waipukurau Rotary Club.  

Heritage Hawke’s Bay  Charles Nairn 

This Hawke’s Bay regional group supports the outcomes of the Heritage Places Act 1993, and other regional heritage related projects and initiatives. 

Governance Documentation

Underpinning good governance are a range of documents that ensure Council is clear on its accountabilities, expectations and responsibilities. You can find these documents here.

Code of Conduct 2022 - 2035 Triennium
Committee Terms of Reference
Council and Community Representation Schedule 2022 2025
CHBDC Governance Statement 2023
Standing Orders 2022 - 2025 Triennium
Triennial Agreement 2022-25

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Central Hawke's Bay District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Central Hawke's Bay District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Central Hawke's Bay District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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